Tuesday, May 21, 2013

College, check. Next, Life.

It's been a crazy ride so far. It hasn't been easy and there were so many obstacles in the way. Even though it took me longer than expected I still managed to get here. Where's here? Well finishing school of course. Not only am I beside myself with excitement, I also know that I am capable of attaining my goals when I put my energy into it.

The things I've experienced along the way have made me who I am. I took time off school to work. I made money. Lots of it. Then quit to go back to school. Adjusting to a broke college lifestyle was a culture shock for me. But I knew it was necessary.

I met some great people along the way. Friends, classmates and teachers. Kind mentors who lent me a helping hand.

The team I've worked with this semester has been great. I've known them for over a year now and I'm happy to say that our friendships will continue after college. We'll all be walking to get our diplomas this Sunday and I can't wait to get cracking on this app with 110% of our time.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm a business consultant!

I had a meeting today at the SBDC, that's small business development center, down in Irvine. It's called TriTech and they business consult for client who have tech ideas. I wasn't there for myself though, it was for another client I'm working for. I'm helping him create a business plan and presentation so he can pitch his idea to investors to secure growth capital. This is a paying gig that I got because of a referral from one of my professors. Pretty awesome that I get to use my entrepreneurial skills and all the knowledge I learned over the years to help another entrepreneur grow his business. Sitting in on the meeting, I felt like somewhat of an expert. Mind you I was sitting around the table with 2 business veterans of over 30 years each and I knew exactly where they were going with the conversation and I even contributed valuable information during the meeting.

Anyways, the main reason I post this is to say that I can leverage the SBDC for Freshn. I never realized that there are government funded business development centers that are free! I love free!

Friday, May 10, 2013

We Nailed It!

Presented to our panel today and everyone loved it. After a loooong day creating the presentation yesterday. And waking up early to go to Reggie's apartment to practice our presentation, we killed it. The board of directors all loved our idea and gave us some great feedback. We even might have a potential investor in the idea. I'm going to meet and talk to him more in the coming weeks. He seems stoked about the prospect of a location based social network.

A great start to my weekend.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Presenting to our "Board of Directors"

We have a presentation to a mock Board of Directors this week and I'm pretty stressed out. Not that the idea isn't great but I have so much work to do! We're trying to put together our presentation and we having started yet. The team (me included) are being bombarded with deadlines in our other courses and we won't even be able to meet until our Wednesday class. I just hope we get our presentation done on time.